Optimal Security Director, Michael Paull, has been involved in CCTV systems since 1994 and after dealing with many limited or flawed systems, decided to commence the design and production of his own market-leading CCTV system.

Creating and testing his designs in central Australia, where some of the planet’s harshest conditions can be felt, Michael developed a range of products designed to keep our communities safe.
A well-established and innovative company, Optimal Security provides its clients with the latest in technology and a diversified range of products.
A strong alliance with local, national and international manufacturers ensures that our clients benefit from a wide range of high quality products. With our ability to anticipate change in the market, Optimal Security has broadened its activities by extending the range of products and focusing on delivering a high quality and efficient service to clients.
From government departments to small businesses, our clients are as diverse as the products that we supply. Optimal Security is committed to delivering products, services and systems that meet the highest standards. We market a wide number of products that range from standard to highly specialised designs, depending on the needs of the client.
With the development of the solar operated security system the Opti-Pole, isolated sites are no longer a problem as Optimal Security is able to conduct all maintenance remotely.
Contact Optimal Security to develop a solution that takes the stress and hard work out of keeping your business, community or event safe and secure.